Garage Door Opener Repairs


Garage Door Opener Repairs

Our service starts as soon as you call our office. Many times, we can even fix your problem over the phone at no cost.

We offer professional and experienced garage door opener repairs for all popular motor brands including ATA, EcoMotors, Grifco and more. Our technicians will assess the problem and provide you with a repair or replacement if necessary.

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    Is your Garage Door Opener not working? Call us today.

    When you call Alpha Garage Doors, we usually ask a few questions first like what type of door you have (Roller, Tilt, Sectional, Counterweight), and the the brand of the opener which can be found on the opener itself in the garage. Do not worry if you are unsure as we can help you find this information.

    A good idea is to start by checking that the door is not set to manual operation, and that the current power point is in fact working.

    Not only that, but our 24/7 repair and maintenance services makes it quicker and easier than ever to fix any garage door problems, no matter what time of day or night they occur.

    Garage Door Opener Repairs and Replacements.

    There are many problems that can occur with your garage door openers.

    Many of the smaller problems can be fixed on the day and get your door going immediately. Larger problems we will discuss with you and provide a free quote. Sometimes your garage door opener is just worn out and may require a replacement.

    When deciding on repairing or replacing your system, our technicians are happy to help you by giving you their suggestion, considering the model, age and condition of the unit as well as the cost options for you.

    View our Google reviews today and see what customers have been saying.×240.jpg×240.jpg×240.pngW3RydXN0aW5kZXggZGF0YS13aWRnZXQtaWQ9ZDlmOTgyNjExYWZlMDIxM2JiNTg0Yjg3YjRd

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